Catalog Help

Search Tools

Use the Catalog Search in the top right corner to quickly find the information you need. You have the option to search by course, program, departments or the entire catalog. Be sure to check “Whole Word/Phrase” to improve your search results.

catalog search window. First field is search options. Second field is keyword search. Check box below to search by whole word or phrase.

Course Filter

The Course Descriptions (navigation menu on the right) lists all courses. Use the Course Search to filter the list by course prefix, course number, keywords or any combination. Use the Prefix dropdown to narrow your search to courses in a single department.

Filter this list of courses using course prefix, course number, keywords or any combination.


Click the star starsymbol to add a page to my favorites.

Click the connected dots connected dotsto share catalog information on social media.

Click the printer printersymbol to print the page.

Click the question mark question mark for help using the catalog.

My Favorites

Use My Favorites to save a list of courses, programs, pages and saved searches that you have found interesting. Click on My Favorites in the catalog navigation menu to create an account. Click on the question mark icon for help. Please note that the My Favorites account is separate from your Humboldt account.

My Favorites is located at the bottom of the navigation menu.

Program Descriptions

Click on a course within a program description to view the course information, including pre-requisites. Click again to close the course window.

course information window includes units, title, course description, grade mode, pre-requisites, course level and requirements met.

Disclosure of Student Information

We take your privacy seriously. Read more about the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).